Kinney Management Services is proud to be celebrating its forty-first year of providing management services to the Valley's homeowner associations.
Looking back on the development of our company is like a history lesson on the association service industry. You might say that we have grown up together.
When we first opened our doors in 1983, the Valley's builders were just beginning to learn that if they wanted to build a community, they would be required to form a community association. The various municipalities were unwilling to maintain the open space and amenities that may be planned for that community. That would be left up to the owners in perpetuity through mandatory membership in their association. Thus a new form of government was created that has been modified and improved and fine-tuned over the last thirty years.
It is our job not only to keep up with the constant changes within the industry, but to find new and better ways to educate and inspire homeowners as to the responsibilities and benefits of membership in an association. As managers, we work hand in hand with the Board of Directors to insure that property values continue to increase while also fostering a spirit of cooperation and neighborliness. As is routinely the case when a large group of people are required to co-exist, everyone does not always agree. Your association is a carefully planned forum for discussion and compromise, all in the best interest of the community as a whole. We have association documents to guide us in this process as well as applicable laws. Beyond that, we only have the desire of a group of neighbors to create a harmonious atmosphere by working together. As association professionals, we do everything possible to accommodate these goals.
We have come a long way in our ability to provide effective association management thanks to technology's awesome advancements. We started by doing all our books by hand, posting every assessment check manually, no fax machines, no cell phones, no voice or e-mail and hardly a computer in sight. I used to print CC&R’s off my word processor on a "daisy wheel" printer which took almost an hour to complete. Now my laser printer spits out 70 pages in just a few minutes. All of these advances allow us to better serve our association clients and make it hard to remember the times when we had to do without them.
One thing hasn't changed and never will in this business. And that is relationships between people. As a company we will always be required to share with each other the unique challenges presented to us every day so that you may benefit from our collective experience in the industry. (Just when we think we may have seen everything at least once, we rediscover that the possibilities are endless!) And we have strong relationships with each of our communities, both Board members and homeowners, that are rich and diverse and will always remain the purpose for opening the doors each day. I feel lucky that we are one business that will never be replaced by technology. People in community associations will always need to talk and relate and get together and get along.
We are proud of our longevity with so many of our association clients. In many cases, I was personally involved on a consulting basis when the land was nothing more than dirt and it is really satisfying to have the opportunity for continued involvement long after the development process is complete. We welcome our newer clients and look forward to working together for a good long while. And if you are just learning about us, we would love to meet you and let you know how we may be of service to your community.
We are sincerely grateful to all our vendors, professional colleagues and most especially our highly valued clients for giving us your trust, loyalty and support. We will continue to work hard and make your communities the best they can possibly be!
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